- drive / driving belt
- (mas) curea de transmisie
English-Romanian technical dictionary. 2013.
English-Romanian technical dictionary. 2013.
Drive shaft — This article is about the mechanical device. For the fictional music group from the American television series Lost , see Charlie Pace. Not to be confused with Axle. Drive shaft with universal joints at each end and a spline in the centre A drive … Wikipedia
Driving in the United States — is similar to driving in Canada, but very different from driving in Europe. It is not uncommon for Americans to drive more than an hour each way to work, and 77 percent of Americans drive alone to their jobs, while an additional 11 percent… … Wikipedia
Drive — (dr[imac]v), n. 1. The act of driving; a trip or an excursion in a carriage, as for exercise or pleasure; distinguished from a ride taken on horseback. [1913 Webster] 2. A place suitable or agreeable for driving; a road prepared for driving.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Belt (mechanical) — For other belts, see Belt (disambiguation). A pair of vee belts … Wikipedia
Driving licence in Australia — A Provisional Driver Licence from the Australian Capital Territory. A driver s licence (or driver licence) is required in Australia before a person is permitted to drive a motor vehicle of any description on a road in Australia. Driver s… … Wikipedia
Driving licence in Canada — In Canada, driver s licences are issued by the government of the province and territory in which the driver is residing. Thus, specific regulations relating to driver s licences vary province to province, though overall they are quite similar.… … Wikipedia
Driving licence in New Zealand — The New Zealand driver s licence system is a graduated system, which has been in place (with modifications, such as the L plate requirement) since 1987. It consists of three phases for a car licence, each with varying levels of conditions.… … Wikipedia
Driving licence in Brazil — Model of the new CNH, in use since 2006 Model of an old CNH, issued in 19 … Wikipedia
drive — v. & n. v. (past drove; past part. driven) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by away, back, in, out, to, etc.) urge in some direction, esp. forcibly (drove back the wolves). 2 tr. a (usu. foll. by to + infin., or to + verbal noun) compel or constrain forcibly… … Useful english dictionary
Driving under the influence — DUI and DWI redirect here. For other uses, see DUI (disambiguation) and DWI (disambiguation). Sobriety checkpoint in Germany Driving under the influence (DUI) (driving while intoxicated (DWI), drunken driving, drunk driving, operating under the… … Wikipedia
Driving licence in Hong Kong — Hong Kong Driving Licence issued by the Hong Kong Transport Department. Driving licences in Hong Kong are issued by the Transport Department in Hong Kong. A full driving licence is usually valid for 10 years [1] and is compulsory in order to… … Wikipedia